22 research outputs found

    Sniify : Social Network Influential People Identification on Ontology

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    ABSTRAKSI: Most important things on Social Customer Relationship Management field is focusing on managing engagement between industry and customers. The engagement created by industry-customer relationship based on social activity. However, the industry have limitation to interact with every single customer, because high cost and maintenance. Furthermore, they choose other methods to keep the relationship with effective and efficient resources.The customer have social activity, interact each other and tied each other. This social activity creating a graph called social network. The graph consisting nodes as central point and edges as relation between nodes. The social network with customer as nodes and activity as edges will be have same behavioral with graph, have influential nodes or influential people as customer. This study was to propose a method of industry-customer engagement to find influential people in social network based on their relation activities.Influential people identification starts with model design of social network. The model uses Ontology as knowledge representation design. The calculation conducted on the model with centrality measurement. The measurement uses in friendship relationships and activities data. The study have influential people by the result of measurement not only by their relationship status, but also use activity data.Kata Kunci : Social Customer Relationship Management; Influential People; Social Network; Ontology;CentralityABSTRACT: Most important things on Social Customer Relationship Management field is focusing on managing engagement between industry and customers. The engagement created by industry-customer relationship based on social activity. However, the industry have limitation to interact with every single customer, because high cost and maintenance. Furthermore, they choose other methods to keep the relationship with effective and efficient resources.The customer have social activity, interact each other and tied each other. This social activity creating a graph called social network. The graph consisting nodes as central point and edges as relation between nodes. The social network with customer as nodes and activity as edges will be have same behavioral with graph, have influential nodes or influential people as customer. This study was to propose a method of industry-customer engagement to find influential people in social network based on their relation activities.Influential people identification starts with model design of social network. The model uses Ontology as knowledge representation design. The calculation conducted on the model with centrality measurement. The measurement uses in friendship relationships and activities data. The study have influential people by the result of measurement not only by their relationship status, but also use activity data.Keyword: Social Customer Relationship Management; Influential People; Social Network; Ontology;Centralit


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    ABSTRAKSI: Masalah yang timbul dari sebuah perusahaan adalah bagaimana cara memperoleh keuntungan sebanyak-banyaknya dengan pengeluaran yang sekecil-kecilnya pada konsumen atau calon konsumen yang ada pada wilayah marketing perusahaan tersebut. Sehingga sangat penting untuk adanya sebuah pengukuran dalam perhitungan antara pengeluaran dan pendapatan pada periode tertentu untuk dan dari konsumen. Pengukuran customer profitability merupakan salah satu solusi masalah tersebut. Dengan pengukuran ini, perusahaan bisa mencari pelanggan terbaik dari semua pelanggan yang ada. Model pengukuran RFM dan ABC dipilih untuk mengukur customer profitability pada studi kasus PT. Telkom. Model RFM adalah sebuah model untuk membuat ranking pelanggan dari sisi recency, frequency dan monetary. Recency adalah lama berlangganan, frequency adalah besarnya penggunaan, dan monetary adalah paket yang dipilih oleh pelanggan. Sedangkan ABC atau Activity Based Costing adalah perhitungan pengeluaran berdasarkan unit kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk pelanggan tersebut. Hasil kedua pengukuran tersebut dianalisis menggunakan BCR atau Benefit Cost Ratio. Kemudian diukur validitas sistem pengukuran menggunakan korelasi produk momen pearson. Dengan adanya sistem pengukuran customer profitability, sasaran dan perawatan terhadap pelanggan menjadi jelas untuk berbagai kepentingan marketing dan sales. Berbagai aplikasi yang bisa dikembangkan dari penelitian ini adalah Decission Support System, Aplikasi Customer Care, Marketing Planning.Kata Kunci : customer profitability, RFM, ABC, recency, frequency, monetary, Activity Based Costing, Benefit Cost Ratio, Decission Support System, Customer Care, Marketing Planning.ABSTRACT: Problems arising from a company is how to gain as much as possible with the smallest expenditure on consumers or potential consumers that existed at the company\u27s marketing region. So it is important for the existence of a measurement in the calculation of expenditure and income in certain periods to and from consumers. Customer profitability measurement is one solution to the problem. With this measure, companies can find customers the best of all existing customers. RFM measurement model and ABC selected to measure customer profitability in a case study of PT. Telkom. RFM model is a model to rank customers in terms of recency, frequency and monetary. Recency is a long subscription, frequency is the amount of usage, and monetary package that is chosen by the customer. Meanwhile, ABC or Activity Based Costing is a calculation based on unit expenditure activities undertaken for these customers. Results were analyzed using two measurements or BCR Benefit Cost Ratio. Then measured the validity of this measurement system. Given the customer profitability measurement system, targets and care towards the customer becomes clear to the various interests of marketing and sales. Various applications can be developed from this research is Decission Support System, Application of Customer Care, Marketing Planning.Keyword: customer profitability, RFM, ABC, recency, frequency, monetary, Activity Based Costing, Benefit Cost Ratio, Decission Support System, Customer Care, Marketing Planning

    Dashboard settings design in SVARA using user-centred design method

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    SVARA is the first Social Media audio application in Indonesia developed by PT. Zamrud Teknologi Khatulistiwa. At present, this application does not have feature settings to display content and other basic settings on the user's side. This situation results in users not having the role to manage the appearance of the dashboard according to their preferences. Settings are done entirely by administrators using scripts and must take APIs with regular PHP scripts. And this is very troublesome. So to give a role to the view of user management, the application needs to be made a dashboard setting feature as a follow-up. Through this paper, the researchers propose designing this dashboard feature using the User-Centered Design (UCD) method. The design results show that this method has a positive correlation with user involvement support in the application development process

    Collaboration FMADM And K-Means Clustering To Determine The Activity Proposal In Operational Management Activity

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    Indonesian government agencies under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources still use manual methods in determining and selecting proposals for operational activities to be carried out. This study uses the Decision Support System (DSS) method, namely Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Decision (Fmadm) and K-Means Clustering method in managing Operational Plan activities. Fmadm to select the best alternative from a number of alternatives, alternatives from this study proposed activity proposals, then ranking to determine the optimal alternative. The K-Means Clustering Method to obtain cluster values for alternatives on the criteria for activity dates, types of activities, and activity ceilings. The last iteration of the Euclidian distance calculation data on k-means shows that alternatives that have the smallest centroid value are important proposal criteria and the largest centroid value is an insignificant proposal criteria. The results of the collaboration of the Fmadm and K-Means Clustering methods show the optimal ranking of activities (proposal activities) and the centroid value of each alternative

    Qualitative Evaluation of RFID Implementation on Warehouse Management System

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    Logistic sector actors need innovation to improve competitiveness in providing their best services to consumers, one of them on Warehouse Management System (WMS) because the system is used to control the movement of the supply chain. There is a problem in one of Indonesia logistics companies on the process of selecting goods, so the warehouseman still difficulties in this process. Thus, RFID implementation on WMS becomes one of the solutions to handle the goods selection process. This research uses Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) which focuses on developing and improving the model performance of a system and using waterfall model for system development. Then the authors will analyze the test results with the validity test and reliability test of the questionnaire, and the results of the data analysis will determine the feasibility of this research to be applied

    GURILEM : A Novel Design of Customer Rating Model using K-Means and RFM

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    A rating system or reviews are generally used to assist in making decisions. Rating system widely used as a technique in the recommendation of one of them used by the customer, as in determining the resort to be used. However, the credibility of the rating looks vague because the rating could only represent some points of service. So that customer preference with each other is very different. Personalized recommendation systems offer more personalized advice, precisely knowing the preferences or tastes of the customers. Especially for customers who have a transaction history or reservation as at their resorts provide good information used by managers to design a recommendation model for their customers. In this study aims to create a model of resort recommendations based on a rating of frequency. This frequency is the number of resort use by the customer within the specified time frame. With the frequency can represent the preferences of customers. The RFM method is used to measure the reservation frequency value of the customer. The K-Means method is used to categorize customer data with its frequency and classify the type of resort. Recommendation resort to the customer based on the dominant use in one of the resort types. The recommended type of resort based on the similarity between the types of resorts used with other types of resorts

    KAFA: A novel interoperability open framework to utilize Indonesian electronic identity card

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    Indonesian people have electronic citizen card called e-KTP. e-KTP is NFC based technology embedded inside Indonesian citizenship identity card. e-KTP technology has never been used until now since it was launch officially by the government. This research proposes an independent framework for bridging the gap between Indonesia regulation for e-KTP and commercial use in the many commercial or organization sector. The Framework proposes interoperability framework using novel combination component, there are e-KTP reader, Middleware and Web Service. KAFA (e-KTP Middleware and Framework) implementing Internet of Things (IoT) concept to make it as open standard and independent. The framework use federation mode or decentralized data for interoperability, to make sure not breaking the law of privacy. Extended development of AES-CBC cipher algorithm was used to encrypt the data on the transport between middleware and web service

    K-Nearest neighbor algorithm on implicit feedback to determine SOP

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    The availability of a lot of existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) document information, users often need time to find SOPs that fit their preference. Therefore, this requires a recommendation system based on user content consumption by personalized usage logs to support the establishment of SOP documents managed according to user preferences. The k-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm is used to identify the most relevant SOP document for the user by utilizing implicit feedback based on extraction data by monitoring the document search behavior. From the research results obtained 5 classifications as parameters, with a final value of 3:2 ratio that shows the best distance value with the majority of labels according to the concept of calculation KNN algorithm that sees from the nearest neighbor in the dataset. This shows the precision of applying the KNN algorithm in determining SOP documents according to user preferences based on implicit feedback resulting in 80% presentation for SOPs corresponding to profiles and 20% for SOPs that do not fit the user profile. To establish SOP documents to show more accurate results, it should be used in a broad SOP management system and utilize implicit feedback with parameters not only in search logs and more on performance evaluation evaluations


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    Kepulauan Riau adalah salah satu provinsi yang berbatasan dengan negara tetangga sehingga menjadi jendela Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, pengelolaan di wilayah perbatasan menjadi barometer pengelolaan negara perbatasan di Indonesia secara umum. Pemerintah saat ini telah membentuk badan pengelola perbatasan antar negara mulai dari pemerintah pusat, Provinsi hingga tingkat Kabupaten/Kota mengingat Kepulauan Riau hampir seluruhnya berbatasan dengan 4 (empat) negara asing. Manajemen perbatasan antar negara yang tepat diharapkan berjalan secara optimal, tetapi sampai sekarang masih ada banyak masalah mulai dari kegiatan ilegal seperti penyelundupan, pembajakan, penangkapan ikan dan penambangan ilegal, narkoba hingga terorisme dan lain-lain. Masalah ini harus diselesaikan dengan Tata Kelola Kolaborasi pendekatan antara pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan wilayah perbatasan. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pihak-pihak tersebut maka penelitian ini akan menganalisis bagaimana keterlibatan antara pihak-pihak dengan pendekatan Jejaring Sosial. Kata kunci: pemerintahan kolaboratif, jejaring sosial, area perbatasan, manajemen, tata kelolaThe Province of Riau Islands is one of the provinces that have borders with neighboring countries, thus became the window of Indonesia. Therefore, the management in border areas will be a barometer state management of border in Indonesia in general. The current government has formed border management agency between countries starting from central government, Province to District/City level since Riau Islands share a border with 4 (four) foreign countries. Therefore, proper inter-country border management is expected to run optimally. However, there are still various problems from illegal activities such as smuggling, piracy, illegal fishing/mining, drugs, terrorism, etc. These problems should be solved by Collaborative Governance approach between stakeholders involved in the management of border areas. To find out how the parties are then this research will analyze how the involvement between parties with Social Networking approach. Keywords: collaborative governance, social networking, border area, management, governanc